
Lisa Schulaner, born in 1978 amidst the pristine landscapes of Hawaii, USA, has emerged as a distinguished contemporary painter renowned for her magnificent landscapes. Currently based in California, USA, Schulaner's artistic journey has evolved through the mediums of watercolor to acrylic and finally to oil on canvas. Her artistic prowess is most prominently manifested in vibrant colored oil paintings that span landscapes and seascapes, often graced by human figures. Her work, which seamlessly transitions between realism and impressionism,  captures the interplay of light and shadow, infusing her works with an immersive sense of perspective and depth.

Primarily recognized for her exceptional ability to conjure the beauty of nature, Lisa Schulaner's works resonate with an ardent passion for the landscape, the ocean, the sky and the sunset. A profound emotional connection with the awe-inspiring aspects of nature underpins her artistic vision. Beyond the visual beauty, Schulaner's art seeks to explore the therapeutic attributes of the natural world, delving into the healing properties of sunlight, earth, and the overall experience of being in nature. Her artistic endeavors are also rooted in her spiritual quest for truth, realization of oneness with the divine creator and all of creation. At the heart of Lisa Schulaner's artistic narrative lie recurring motifs that imbue her work with a distinctive signature. The endless expanse of the sky, the tranquil allure of the beach, and the juxtaposition of human figures against the backdrop of nature are themes that echo throughout her portfolio. Among her noteworthy projects, her ongoing collection of landscapes, seascapes, and skyscapes stands out as a testament to her creative evolution and unwavering dedication to capturing the essence of the natural world.

Lisa Schulaner's artistic journey has been marked by participation in local exhibitions, including multiple showcases at the Arts Alive Foundation's Exhibits in Encinitas, California. Her work has found a home in various national and international private collections, underscoring the universal appeal of her creations. Notably, at a young age, she secured the First and Second Place distinctions at the Kona Coffee Art Contest, part of the Kona Coffee Cultural Festival in Hawaii, USA. This and other early achievements set the stage for a lifelong art practice.

Artist Resume

Lisa Schulaner

Born in 1978 in Kona, Hawaii, USA

Lives and works in Glendale, California, USA


2003 BA in Art, University of Hawaii at Hilo

2007 AEC - Architecture, Engineering and CAD tech, Hawaii Community College

Selected Exhibitions:

2024 OSD (solo exhibition), Glendale, California, USA (upcoming)

2023 OSD (solo exhibition), Glendale, California, USA

2017 OSD (solo exhibition), Oceanside, California, USA

2018 Arts Alive Exhibit (group exhibition), Arts Alive Foundation, Encinitas, California, USA

2017 Arts Alive Exhibit (group exhibition), Arts Alive Foundation, Encinitas, California, USA

2014 Arts Alive Exhibit (group exhibition), Arts Alive Foundation, Encinitas, California, USA

1997 Student Art Exhibition, University of Hawaii at Hilo Art Department, Hilo, Hawaii, USA

Art Fairs:

2004 Merrie Monarch Art Fair, Hilo, Hawaii, USA

2004 Christmas Treasures Art Fair, King Kam Hotel, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, USA

Selected Collections:

Lisa Schulaner is featured in various national and international private collections. 


2001 Second Place, Kona Coffee Art Contest, Kona Coffee Cultural Festival, Kona, Hawaii, USA

1999 First Place, Kona Coffee Art Contest, Kona Coffee Cultural Festival, Kona, Hawaii, USA

1995 Second Place, Kona Coffee Art Contest, Kona Coffee Cultural Festival, Kona, Hawaii, USA

1995 Finalist, National Geographic World Magazine - Wyland Art Contest, Washington DC, USA